Who we are…
(by Rebecca)
Jake and I have been married for 11 years now…my how time has flown! We met in the fall of 1997 and began our journey together in marriage on June 11, 1999. When we married we were young and naïve, but we trusted the Lord in all things and are stronger than ever. Our journey together has taken us on many adventures and we have come out better for it. Jake and I started our life together in Portland and quickly realized that Jake needed to finish college. After about 9 months, we moved to Cottage Grove to rent a house from Jake’s grandma on their family farm. Jake enrolled in the U of O and we both commuted to Springfield to work at Sears. After about a year in Cottage Grove, the commute grew old so we moved to Eugene where we were minutes from work and the U of O. As Jake was looking for a degree and trying to peg down what he wanted to do when he “grew up” we made some great friends and learned a lot working retail. Both Jake and I gained essential life skills and lessons that we still use to this day. After finally settling down a bit and deciding to become a history major, Jake transferred to Oregon State to complete his degree. After graduating in 2003, and not knowing what to do with ourselves, Jake and I picked up and moved to Bend, OR. Jake continued his career at the time with Sears and I began a career in banking with Bank of the Cascades. In December of 2003, we decided it was time to start thinking about starting a family. A few months later, Jake and I realized that during the housing boom, Bend was not the place for us to be. We could not afford to buy a house and rent was getting out of control. Gas and groceries also cost more. We again picked up and moved to Beaverton, OR, in July 2004. Jake got a sales job and I was able to commute into downtown Portland and continue my career with Bank of the Cascades.
Early in 2005 Jake had taken a job in Salem, and we decided we were going to buy a house. So after 6 years away from “home” we began our journey back. In March 2005, we got a surprise positive pregnancy test! After over a year of trying we were going to be parents! We had found a house and were in the closing process and life was grand. We were attending church regularly again and living life to its fullest. At the beginning of June, 2005, we excitedly went to a 12 week Dr.’s appointment expecting to hear the heartbeat of our baby for the first time. When arriving at the appointment I let the Dr. know I was concerned about some spotting. She listened for the heartbeat but none was found. We were quickly sent for an ultrasound only to discover our precious baby had never really developed. I was diagnosed with a missed miscarriage. A few days later, the miscarriage occurred, as did our anniversary and we moved into our new house…what an emotional roller coaster that was! Through it all, the Lord pulled us together and kept us strong and grounded. I was especially emotional through the next few months, but with time, the wounds began to heal.
Through the rest of 2005 and into 2006 we had 3 more pregnancies that resulted in miscarriage…one of them was a twin pregnancy. After all of those losses, my OB/GYN referred us to a fertility specialist in Portland. I went through a few tests and even had a laparoscopy done in early 2009 to remove endometriosis. I was officially diagnosed with Insulin Resistance and put on Metformin to help my body better get rid of the extra insulin which can cause weight gain and infertility. For the better part of 2007 and 2008, we tried a low dose fertility pill and shots in an attempt to get pregnant.
Though our attempts to have children had proven unsuccessful, Jake and I continued to walk by faith and rely on God to answer our prayer for a family. Though my heart longed for a baby, I enjoyed everyday that Jake and I had together. We were able to immerse ourselves in activities like, camping, kayaking, attending plays, and taking care of our 2 doggies….and grow in our love of God and each other.
James 5:11
As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
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