Welcome Claire Verna…
(by Rebecca)
March 27, 2010…our precious baby Claire arrives! I went into labor (for real) about 10 pm on Friday night March 26. At about 4 AM on March 27, Jake decided I was in enough pain to go to the hospital…I was holding out making sure we did not get sent home!
Active labor is intense…and no amount of practiced breathing will help! I did well getting through my contractions but was ready for the epidural by the time we arrived at Salem Hospital. My labor was not difficult. At 8 cm the Dr. finally broke my water and an hour or so later it was time to push. It was discovered at the time my water broke that there was meconium in my water…meaning the baby had a bowel movement in the womb. Meconium is very dangerous if inhaled so we had a respiratory therapist and a nurse from the NICU in the room when Claire was born to suction her out and make sure she didn’t inhale the meconium.
After about an hour of pushing Claire Verna Hales was born at 2:30 PM on March 27, weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. Claire was worked on for about 30 minutes, being suctioned out and getting her respirations under control. After that time…Claire was placed on my chest and our lives were forever changed. The moment your baby is born is truly indescribable. I will cherish that memory forever and am thankful for the pictures that captured our first moments as a family.
We love you Claire Verna…more than you will ever know!
Matthew 7:7
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
She is just beautiful, what a blessing you are to your Mommy and Daddy Claire. You have had a rough start in this world, but God has great plans for you and no one can ever deny that. God bless you and your life, may you always remember who created you and how much He loves you.