Our Miracle…
(by Rebecca)
The year 2009…we will never forget it. I started the year with my laparoscopy as mentioned in the previous post, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, and…we got PREGNANT!!!
2009 started off with a bang as I prepared to have my laparoscopy. The Dr. successfully removed a small amount of endometriosis and we agreed to continue our fertility treatments.
On June 11, 2009, we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. For our celebration, we booked 1 week in our favorite bed and breakfast in Ashland, OR, and attended 5 plays during the Shakespeare festival. We spent tons of time relaxing, walked in Lithia Park, discovered great new restaurants, met up with some friends, and went wine tasting. During our time away from home, Jake and I discussed what we wanted to do with our attempts at starting a family. We decided for the rest of 2009 we would forgo any additional fertility treatments. To be honest we needed a break from the strict schedule we had to keep, the crazy medications, and we knew we needed to more fully rely on God…He after all is the mighty creator.
July rolled around and we went camping over the 4th of July weekend and celebrated Jake’s birthday. Jake and I had just taken up kayaking so we spent as much time on the water as we could. On July 22, I had some weird intuition about being pregnant. I took a pregnancy test on a whim expecting a negative result. I was completely shocked to find a positive result. Not believing what I saw…I drank as much water as I could and repeated the test later that evening just “knowing” it would come back negative. Come to find out…digital pregnancy tests don’t lie….there was the result…plain as day! I called my fertility specialist and went up the next morning for a blood test. I was still in awe and shock when the phone rang and on the other end I heard…”Congratulations”! I went in again 4 days later to make sure the pregnancy was growing and indeed it was. The next big step was to see a heartbeat…something that had never occurred in our previous pregnancies. 7 long weeks later…the big day arrived. We were 8 weeks pregnant and my nerves abounded. The Dr. started the ultrasound…and what seemed like an eternity I heard the Dr. say…”There is the heartbeat…do you see it?” Jake just about leapt out of his chair…he saw it before I did. Relief as well as fear swept through me…this appeared to be a good pregnancy.
At 11 weeks we received another ultrasound as I had some slight spotting. There on the screen was our precious gift…swimming about and healthy. At 18 weeks (early Nov.) the big ultrasound arrived. We got to see our precious baby…and all of the organs…all looked healthy. We decided to find out the gender…and we found that day that our little one was a girl. Claire Verna would be her name and her room was soon under construction.
The rest of my pregnancy was fine. My OB/GYN kept telling me I was good at being pregnant and he was so happy that we finally were having a baby. Though I suffered morning sickness for 12 weeks, endured terrible heartburn in the 3rd trimester, and still suffer hip pain…it was all worth it!
Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
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